"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO

Split the Muslim people who Tsukkoi Indonesians

"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO First impression of Jakarta? When asked [unexpectedly city]. Many people visiting from Japan will answer so. Introduced in Japan Indonesia, which is the wild animal full of jungle Or, a ridiculous, such as those encountered in people who live in the land of uncivilized Or have the countryside, collect the flag also tourists from around the world resort Whether the door of the island Bali .... Calling to be expelled from such an image Exhibition developing countries of capital is very different as the reality. Jakarta that I have to stay in the airplane from Japan About time. The main street fill high-rise building, during which In Southeast Asia, where small houses are spread like undergrowth of large tree It is also one of the best big cities. Unfortunately jungle capital circumference I do not see the side, to the old-fashioned rustic life People can not even be in the eye only in television. Such a big city Jakarta is also a man, said to be 000 or more One city of the country, which consists of the islands to be.

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