"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO

Journey Islam Islam Islam to the Sahara every time this time ...

"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO Comes at a fixed time *, from the mosque next to the pointed tower (minaret) of (to place the worship * choice), azan You have to flow. Choice that begins with [Allah hair click Bell] (God is great Nari) it is also followed by several tens of minutes. In Islam, twice a day, we must pray towards the holy city of Makkah (Mecca Japanese) *. Muslims (Muslim, Musuremu) is also included, and it has been obliged (obligation) to protect the next One of the precepts (precepts law). * Mosque Unlike Christian churches and Buddhist temples, just a place to pray towards the holy city of Makkah (Mecca), image or picture is not all. In the idol worship idol worship Prohibited], there is a such thing must not worship any * Fixed time But are in the Muslim (Moslem) around the world, we have decided time and direction to worship in one day at each location [Allah is just in the one God without God in the other of Allah] Judaism, the predecessor of this religion that chanting, Christianity is also a [monotheism].

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