"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO

[Islam also various] - BLOGOS

"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO [Islam also various] Muslims are said to have billion more than in the whole world. The number of believers in many then-th to Christianity, countries where Muslims account for the majority amounts to more than 0 countries. However, the severity of the precepts by country is different. The precepts are very strict country, for example, Saudi Arabia is drinking, of course adultery in the ban, premarital sex negotiation is a death penalty. Sometimes that executions by beheading or stoning in the town square is carried out in the public. In addition, as of Iran, there is also a country in which Islamic supreme leader has laid the Islamic Republic with the highest power of the country. On the other hand, there is also a commandment is not very strict country. Visited Tunisia in North Africa to the moon, sight of women wearing the hijab in my head was not in the most eye. Muslims who drink the wine of the famous not a few, but in the Islam prohibits that the woman is to marry a pagan, this year in Tunisia, this law was repealed.

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